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g e t in t o u c h.

j a c k e

hi, im jacke! makeup artist, self-proclaimed “thrift enthusiast”, home decor addict, freelance designer, and FULL TOME mama to 4 tiny humans. i am an old soul with an affinity for simple ways of life, an extreme homebody, lover of small towns and THE people IN them,    country music, and my family.  i truly have been obsessed with makeup  and all things  beauty, my entire life -  but when i’m not playing in lipstick and mascara, you can probably find me “thrifting” at a goodwill, neurotically cleaning and DECORATING, organizing someone's closet or pantry, or creating anything from custom  printables to freehand chalkboard signs. i’m pretty particular about my aesthetics and  and seem to have my own set of standards and style. so I guess you could say,  i just like to make things pretty.  ;)

m a k e u p a r t i s t

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come back soon, being updated

come back soon, being updated